This is a simple site for champine.com. Maybe someday I'll do something more with it.
If you're interested in Mark & Lori's yearlong RV odyssey, see Mark & Lori's Big Adventure - our 2019-2020 travel blog.
Descendents of Ashley Floyd and Carol Genevieve Champine (née Northway)
-- George Champine (m. Barbara Nelson) | |-- Renee Champine Olson (m/d. David Olson) | |-- Andrew Olson | |-- Kari Olson Hegge (m. Matthew Hegge) | | | |-- Jonah Hegge | |-- Mark Champine (m. Lori Freel) | |-- Tyler Champine | |-- Luke Champine | |-- Kelly Champine | |-- Lisa Champine Paton (m/d. Lee Paton) (m. Mark Norman) |-- Nicole Paton |-- David Paton -- Charles Champine (m. Joanne Chalmers) | |-- Steve Champine (m. Heather Marx) | |-- Hayden Champine | |-- Lauren Champine | |-- Nolan Champine | |-- Elizabeth Champine Miller (m. Matthew Miller) |-- Amanda Miller |-- Austin Miller |-- Joel Miller |-- Kate Miller -- John Champine (m. Lynn Mills) | |-- Nathan Champine (m. Adrian Petty) | |-- Julian Champine | |-- Genevieve Champine | |-- Natalie Champine Rhoden (m. Charles Rhoden) |-- John Rhoden |-- Connor Rhoden
George Champine Books
- Computing Books
- Song of Minnesota Growing Up In Fairmont and Southern Minnesota in the 30s, 40s, and 50s
George Champine Other Links
- Photographic Historical Society of New England (PHSNE) Author Page
- Univac Computers I've Known
- Boston Globe Obituary

Boston Clojure Group
meets the 2nd Thursday of each month, at The Broad Institute. (currently on hold)
- Boston Clojure Group on github
- Boston Clojure Group Google Group
- Twitter: #bosclj
Klipse Examples (Klipse lets you run Clojure in a web page)
Clojure for CryptanalysisResources
- Getting Started
- Learn Clojure
- Clojure Docs
- Better Living Through Clojure, Tutorial for MIT IAP 2015, by Mark Champine, Paul Lam, and Alex Huang